Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Song of My Life

What do you do when after the worship service and the sermon you still find yourself in a place wanting to worship even more? How do you express those deepest longings and affections that even the best worship songs cannot convey? When the music fades and the doors are closed on all the cathedrals God is still worthy of worship.

I contemplated this reality a couple of days ago. The only way to really adequately express worship is through our lives. What I mean is that the way we live each and every day is really a song of worship. When we seek God in scripture, give a sacrificial financial gift, witness to someone, and love the unlovable these are acts of worship with our life. There are times when singing the songs is not enough. We worship with the song of our lives. We worship through living and I think this is the deepest form of worship and most pleasing to the Lord.

When you awoke this morning you had a brand new day to worship the Lord of Creation with your words, attitude, actions, and reactions. That is a great truth. I am worshipping seated at this computer typing these words. You might be worshipping on your job as you give your best work for you employer but more importantly for the Lord. Your worship might be taking the form of a student in a classroom or in a library gathering knowledge or a weight room training your body to perform your very best for the glory of God. Your life might be expressing worship as you do the dishes or fold the laundry. Worship happens as you comfort a friend going through a difficult time or as you befriend someone the rest of society shuns. God is honored and pleased with such living.

Our lives are a worship song sung to our King. True there are times when we hit the wrong notes. We make a sinful choice, we react in a un-Christ like way, or we rebel in obeying an explicit directive from the Lord. We get it wrong from time to time but what about when we get it right. O, if we could hear the beautiful music created by the lives of the servants and followers of God. This is a worship tune reserved for the ears of God alone.

How does the song of your life sound in the ears of God right now? Do you and I need to make some adjustments so we can get on the right track and play the song of our lives at full volume? This morning I worshipped cooking eggs, biscuits, sausage, and hash browns for my boys before school. I worshipped giving each of them a hug and reminding them I love them and am proud of them. I worshipped putting the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. I worshipped reading scripture and a book on vision early this morning.

I pray the song of our lives would resound loudly in the halls of Heaven before an audience of one. It really does not matter what others think. Only what God thinks of our life song truly matters. Let your life sing loudly.

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