Monday, December 5, 2011

Politically Correct

In this day and time leaders are so scared to take a stand. Nobody wants to offend anyone else. So people walk on eggshells to make sure everyone is happy. In our time we are supposed to be tolerant of everyone’s religious point of views. We are supposed to readily accept everyone’s lifestyle or be considered a hate monger.

Sitting in the Finish Line this morning one of the topics of conversation has been making sure people are politically correct. It is no longer politically correct to say, “Merry Christmas,” but rather to say, “Happy Holidays,” or “Merry X-mas.” It seems Jesus is not fashionable or up with the times.

Some see Jesus as out of step with the times. His ways are antiquated. His teachings are archaic. He is not politically correct. His teaching about being the way, the truth, and the life and nobody getting to God except through Him is considered bigoted and intolerant by the culturally elite. Jesus is mocked, ridiculed, attacked, and maligned on university campuses. Jesus remains a lightening rod for controversy.

The whole meaning of Christmas is about His birth. That is the story and interestingly on that first Christmas morning He was the only one receiving gifts. Jesus was and still is the supreme gift for mankind but He is often rejected. This seems the politically correct thing to do.

I admire those who stand for their faith regardless of what the world thinks. Tim Tebow, the quarterback for the Denver Broncos comes to mind. He gives God the glory and unashamedly testifies concerning his faith in JESUS! He has been ridiculed and criticized over and over again. He does not back down. He does not soften the message so he can market more jerseys or books. Tebow is a man of conviction more than a man concerned with political correctness.

Jesus advocated authenticity. He deplored hypocrisy. In our world perception is reality. Let a politician dress up, talk eloquently and have a winsome smile and people give them support. Just ask Germany and those who lived through the days of Hitler. Hitler masterfully guarded his true intentions putting the best perception forward. He defined politically correctness in 1930’s and early 1940’s. We all know the end result.

Where are the men and women who live with conviction whether those convictions are considered politically correct? How often do leaders hold their fingers up to the prevailing winds of the day before making a decision? Jesus did not do that. He personified truth even when the crowds turned on Him. His followers did the same even when it meant torturous death. Truth meant more to them than getting with the times to save their necks.

On this day when the discussion has centered around political correctness I am proud to be in a long lineage of followers of Christ who have not been politically correct. Martin Luther. John Wesley. Deitrich Bonhoeffer. Billy Graham. Mother Teresa. The list could go on.

I am tired of the followers of Christ thinking we have to tone it down, try to blend in, cater our message to modern ears, and reshape truth so none are offended. As December starts I tilt my head back and roar, “Merry CHRISTmas!” I unashamedly believe the Bible and preach the grand old message of salvation through Jesus Christ alone by faith alone. I do not grow weary in raising my family against the grain nor raising banner of Jesus Christ high among all the other banners of tolerance. In my estimation being politically correct is highly over estimated.

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