Friday, November 18, 2011

Eager to Share the Gospel

After an early morning leg work out I was delayed in going into the local café for breakfast by severe thunderstorms. We had a deluge so I camped out on the back porch to watch it rain. I love to watch it rain. Something about the rain relaxes me and brings solace to my soul.

I arrived at the café about an hour later than I normally do. That suited me fine since the crowds had moved out and I had the place to myself to reflect and write in my journal.

While writing down a prayer I became burdened for a man in our church searching for spiritual answers. I no more than became burdened for him than he walked into the café with his sick daughter. We exchanged pleasantries and I continued to pray God would open a door to talk to him about Jesus.

I got up and went to his table to talk to him about his son accepting Christ and wanting to follow in baptism. The man told me his spiritual background and that he had never been baptized. For the next several minutes I explained the gospel message to him and the meaning behind baptism.

His daughter’s doctor’s appointment kept us from talking further but he told me he did want to talk more.

Not long after he left I had the chance to witness to a lady I have been developing a friendship with for the past two months. I have witnessed to her on several other occasions but today we had several uninterrupted minutes. She promised me she would turn her heart to Jesus and let me know when she did.

What a great way to start the day. I am not ashamed of the gospel. The substitutionary death and victorious resurrection of our Lord is the hope people are looking for. I am reminded of what Paul wrote in Romans 1:14-17. “ I am obligated both to Greeks and barbarians; both to the wise and the foolish. So I am eager to preach the good news to you also who are in Rome. For I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew and also to the Greek.”

I feel an obligation to make the good news known to people who have lived their lives in spiritual darkness. I have a God placed burden on my heart to share the good news of Jesus Christ in Paradise and Wise County. There is an ache in my soul for those headed for eternal destruction without a relationship with Jesus Christ. I cannot sit on the sidelines and say nothing. There is a burden on my heart to do something. I have to take the initiative in turning conversations to spiritual matters. This is not just something to think about on Sundays. The burden to reach out to lost souls weighs on me continually. Does it weigh on you as well?

Paul said, “I am eager to preach the gospel.” I am eager to share. Today I could have chosen to remain in my seat over my breakfast and writing in my journal. I know a divine appointment when I see one. If I had gone to breakfast at my normal time chances are I would have already left the café before this man entered. I know I would not have had the time to witness to other friend. God orchestrated both meetings and even as I write this, the gospel message is working in both hearts.

I have confidence that God through the Holy Spirit takes the gospel message and penetrates the hardest hearts. I am thankful that it is the power of God for salvation. People hear the message that Jesus became man to dwell on earth. They hear He lived a sinless life so He could take our punishment on Himself. He endured the wrath of God for us so His righteousness could be transmuted onto us. This is a message of hope and God backs up the message with the power to transform hearts.

I recently read where over ninety five percent of Christians have never told anyone the good news about Jesus. After getting to share this message twice in the span of less than thirty minutes early on in the day has adrenaline pumping through my veins. I am pumped. This is what being in ministry is all about.

I hope you feel a burden from God for someone today. I hope you are living this day eager for the opportunity to talk about Christ. I also hope you are convinced only Jesus through the gosp

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