Monday, May 25, 2009

Finishing Strong

It is the last week of school and I have been challenging my boys to finish strong for the past six weeks. Each of the oldest three set specific goals for themselves academically at the first of this year and finishing strong was required to achieve them. It has not been easy. Goals set back in early August have lost their luster in late May. Fun and frolicking in the sun are more luring than hitting the books each afternoon and evening. Finishing strong doesn’t always happen.
Ask any teacher. They can tell you that many students get “spring fever” and are not motivated to accomplish much during the last few weeks of school and this attitude gets even worse for graduating seniors. It is the same in the work force. When quitting time approaches people begin shutting down. The only problem with this is that quitting time may still be an hour or hour and a half away where production should continue and there are some who start coasting in their job performance until they can officially leave. Those close to retirement often are referred to as “short timers” because they are not motivated to work hard to the very end.
You can see this attitude in athletic competition or during physical exercise. People give less effort at the end because their lungs and other muscles begin to burn and well, as legendary football coach Vince Lombardi put it, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” Quitting before the end is the path of least resistance and requires minimal effort.
I don’t care if you are mowing the lawn, coaching a season, trying to endure a grueling work out, working at your job, or preparing for retirement we should always strive to finish strong. Our nation does need anymore quitters. Many have quit diets, educational pursuits, writing a book, reading a book, hoping to better themselves, or improving job performance. We must educate and inspire people to be finishers and not to merely stroll across the finish line. We need to hit the finish line of work, school, or life at full speed.
Jesus Christ set the bar high on finishing strong. With joy He endured the suffering of the cross. [Heb 12:2-3] He could have cashed it in and taken the path of least resistance. He did not! He finished so strong that death could not hold him down. He rose from the grave! We do not have a wimpy Savoir but rather a strong Warrior who knows a thing or two about finishing the race of life strong with resolve and excellence.
No more excuses. Quitting is a habit but so is finishing strong. You can train your body, mind, and emotions to finish strong. I do not know what you are being tempted to quit or at least to give less than a stellar performance. From the class room to the board room we must be a people who follow the example of Jesus and finish strong despite the odds. Finishing strong inspires. Crossing the finish line at full speed refusing to give into the pain and the temptation to quit is a wonderful thing to behold. I am challenging all of us to finish strong in every area of life. In fact, I am challenging you to finish strong in life. May the last day of your life you commit to finish the race in your spirit at full speed giving God the glory every step of the way. [Heb 12:1]

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