Monday, March 30, 2009

40 Days - Day 6 (March 25 - May 3)

“Asking in Jesus Name”

And whatever you ask in My name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
John 14:13-14

These two verses sound almost too good to be true. It seems a lot like writing a blank check where you can fill in any amount you want before cashing it in. It is a grand promise, but as with the one yesterday, it does have a condition.
We are challenged twice in the context of these verses to ask in Jesus’ name. What does that mean - is it a magic formula to tack on to our prayers to ensure their success? No, it is much more than that. When we pray in Jesus’ name we are concluding our prayers with the reminder that we are to be praying for the same things Christ wants to see accomplished. It is praying in one accord with the will and purposes of Jesus in our situations.
Some of you are facing major decisions about your future. You could just make a decision and hope that God blesses it, but He is not obligated to bless a decision that He did not lead you to make. Wise counsel is to sit before Him and ask Him repeatedly what He would have you do and what direction He would have you take. Do not be surprised if the decision He calls you to make is one that calls you to trust Him for more - decisions like where to live, where to work, where to go to college, whom to marry and so forth. Ask in Jesus’ name what He wants and He will reveal it clearly in time.
Among us there are marriages that are hanging on by a thread, and the temptation is run and get out. When you pray in Jesus’ name, what does Jesus want to do in that situation? You can ask Him anything which could include a transformed spouse, or even for you to have a transformed attitude.
Many of you live in lack of something you need. I am not talking about wants, but actual needs. If you pray according to the desire and purposes of Jesus, there is no reason not to believe that He will not provide for your every single need. You will notice that I did not say that He would provide for your every want even if you ask for it in Jesus’ name. Some wants do not honor Him and are not in our best interests. Some wants are motivated by selfish greed more than the honor and glory of the Father. He cannot and will not be duped by our bargaining and negotiations in prayer.
When we really do pray according to Jesus’ desires, His purposes, and for the Father’s glory, the door of potential for those prayers stands wide open. We cannot even fathom the lavish ways God desires to bless us and do more than we imagined. God is honored and glorified when lost sinners come to repentance and salvation, so why not ask God for the privilege of leading multitudes to Him? God is glorified when we find ourselves at the end of our ropes and we finally surrender and trust Him with the outcome. He is honored when our hearts begin to hurt over the same things that hurt His heart, and when we ask God to heal the emotional and psychological wounds of children. He is honored when we trust Him and give sacrificially, trusting Him to come through for us to meet our needs. The sky is the limit when we really understand what praying in Jesus’ name means.
As we started through this forty-day trip of trusting and obeying God, we were challenged to identify some spiritual goals that we would be fasting and praying towards. In the light of praying in Jesus’ name, do those goals still hold up under His scrutiny? Are these things that He wants for you and wants do in and through you? You might find Him beginning to shift your focus toward those things you desire the Father to do. You might also find conviction that your prayer requests really have had very little to do with glorifying the Father. Why not take some time today to let Him readjust what you are to be asking Him for?
Once this all is properly aligned, let us pursue God and His answers with reckless abandon, beseeching Him for miracles, large miracles, abundant miracles that will bring abundant glory to our Heavenly Father.

Steps to Trust and Obey:

What is God showing you about praying in Jesus’ name? Do your prayer requests line up with His desires for you?
What is it that God desires for you and wants you to trust Him for?
Are you able to pray with confidence and assurance today? If not, why not?
Spend some time asking God to revive your faith and strength for the rest of this forty-day challenge.
What is God saying and revealing to you? What if any steps of obedience is He calling you to take?

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