Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I Miss My Time with You

I Miss My Time With You

Saturday I rode my bike for forty-six miles and came home exhausted only to have Tanner want to play some catch in the front yard. He wanted to work on his pitching so I dutifully agreed to be a good father and take my weary bones in the front yard to play catch. Taylor wanted me to take him to the weight room to work out after dinner (he had asked me earlier in the day and I was hoping he would forget) and again out of sheer duty and wanting to have quality time with one of my children I took him to the weight room.
I had no trouble sleeping Saturday night. It seems I fell fast asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. I was at my office by 7:30 a.m. Sunday morning and except for leaving for lunch for about an hour and a half, I was at the church with a series of meetings and normal worship services until after 8:30 p.m. It was a long but richly rewarding day.
Yesterday I began my day early and then made a trip to Fort Worth for a lady having hip replacement surgery. It was after that surgery that I began to hit a wall physically. I was exhausted. I went to an out of the way restaurant hoping to find a quiet corner to read and write in my journal but before I knew it I was surrounded by throngs of people. The drive home was a challenge because I was so sleepy. I kept praying that the ominous clouds would produce rain so I would not have to coach the boys in baseball that night. No such luck. The game went on as scheduled and as I was getting ready to go to it I received a phone call from a church member telling me about some misfortune some of other members had fallen upon which required my immediate attention. I dropped the boys off at the ball park after talking to our other coach and sped away to do ministry. When that was over I arrived back at the park just before the opening pitch.
Our team got hammered and the whole game I kept looking at my watch thinking how tired I was and wishing I could fast forward time. Usually I can push myself physically for several days but sooner or later it catches up with me and I hit a wall. When that happens I know I need sleep. Last night I went to bed early and had no intentions of getting up early. I intended to sleep in.
I woke up at 4:00 a.m. The thought crossed my mind that I should get up and seek the Lord but my flesh reminded me of how tired I was and how busy I had been over the past several weeks. Sleeping in one morning would not be the end of the world. So I comforted myself with those thoughts and drifted back to sleep. I am not sure what woke me up the second time but when my eyes opened I was looking at the window next to our bed. Again I entertained the thought of getting up to pray but my flesh opposed this idea.
What happened next really grabbed my attention. Before I can relate that experience we need to go back in time. Over fifteen years ago a friend of my made a cassette tape of several different Christian songs. One of the songs he included on that tape that moved me more than the others was a song sung by Larnelle Harris entitled I Miss My Time with You. The lyrics to that song are as follows:
There He was just waiting in our old familiar place,
And empty spot beside Him, where once I used to wait,
To be filled with strength and wisdom for the battles of the day,
I would have passed Him by again if I didn’t hear Him say,
(chorus) I miss my time with you, those moments together,
I need to be with you each day and it hurts me when you say,
You’re too busy – busy trying to serve me
But how can you serve me when your spirit’s empty
There’s a longing in my heart wanting more than just a part of you
So this morning at a little before 5:00 a.m., I was looking out the window thinking about going back to sleep when suddenly the words flashed across the screen of my mind, “I miss my time with you, those moments together, …” I could not believe it. It was rewinding over and over until I drug my weary frame from the bed and slipped on some clothes, grabbed my keys, and drove to the church, where I sat in the secret place of my office to seek the Lord. There is nothing more important I do on any given day than to spend that time with the Father. It was a blessing He woke me up and He reminded me of the words of that song. Suddenly sleep did not seem that important in light of the time He wanted to spend with me.
“In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went to a secluded place and was praying there.” [Mark 1:35] If Jesus had to have His time with the Father how much more do you and I need our time with the Father as well? How many times have you and I walked by that old familiar place where we have so often met with the Lord and because of our busyness, and in my case my busyness for Him as a pastor, we did not take time to sit with Him? We can do nothing of eternal significance apart from Him. NOTHING! I am not sure we really believe that because we sure do not prioritize our time with Him first and foremost. “I am the vine, you are the branches, he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit for apart from Me you can do nothing.” [Jn 15:5]
I am so thankful for men like Eli Bernard, who led me to faith in the Lord and discipled me and Lynn Sasser who taught us how to have a quiet time way back at youth camp at the Pineywoods Baptist Encampment in East Texas when I was a teenager. These two men have no idea how the Lord used them in my life. Since 1985 I have sought to make time with God a regular and integral part of my life. I am so thrilled with how the Lord has worked deep in my heart and revealed truth to me over the years. Without a doubt the most profound encounters I have had with the Lord have almost always happened when I arose early, departed from the crowds, and sought Him while isolated and engulfed in silence. Those sacred moments have defined the man that I am and they are continuing to define the man God is growing me to be to match His ever increasing kingdom assignments.
Does God miss His time with you? When was the last time you met with Him? Do you have an old familiar meeting spot? Has God been waiting for you there in vain as of late? When was the last time you made your time with Him a priority? This morning, last night, a few days ago, last week, well over a month, or even longer. Our time with the Lord is the most vital part of our relationship with Him. In those sacred moments He does things in us, for us, and through us that cannot be explained. He becomes more real, His voice is clearer, and our hearts are transformed in His presence. His shaping, crafting, and molding may be hard for us to notice in the beginning but soon we are made into a vessel of honor for His good pleasure to be used as He sees fit. Don’t miss out on your time with God. Don’t let Him say He misses His time with you.
I’m so glad the Lord reminded me of that song this morning. I have been singing it in my heart throughout the day. I am so glad I had my early morning season of prayer and meditation on the scriptures. I am so glad He took the initiative to wake me up because no matter how much I love Him and long to be with Him, He loves me more and longs to commune with me more. That is a mind boggling concept. HE LONGS TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU AND ME! What do we have to offer God that really needs? He does not need my fellowship. He does not need my talents or gifts. I have nothing to offer but He chooses to spend time with me anyway.
If Sovereign God, who is continually busy, accomplishing His purposes, expanding His kingdom, moving mountains, listening to and answering prayers, administrating the affairs of this world, watching over and protecting His own, and ministering to the hurts of the wounded, if He has time to spend with us, what excuse do we have? NONE. Whatever it takes spend time with Him today.

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