Monday, May 5, 2008

Canada for Christ


Several years ago I was at a conference for college students sitting in a break out session on missions. The Lord spoke to me and challenged my heart in a great way that day. I went from being a self absorbed minister primarily concerned with God’s work around me in the state of Texas and directly around me in East Texas to understanding God’s passion to spread the glory of His name among the nations of the world. [Mark 16:15] [Matt 28:19-20] [Acts 1:8] [Ps 2:8]
It was not long after that conference that my good friend Joel and I were on a prayer retreat in Palestine, TX. We were both lying prostrate on the floor pouring our souls out to the Lord and especially praying for where the Lord might want to send us on mission for Him. I will never forget praying [Is 6:8] “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send and who will for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”
We were begging God to send us somewhere. It dawned on me during those fervent intercessions that somewhere in the world there were people crying out the opposite end of that prayer. They were pleading for God to send help from somewhere on foreign soil and here we were crying out to be sent from the Palestine, TX. We were trusting God to make the connection between those prayers.
He did! I was contacted by a college mate who invited us to go with him on a mission trip to Cuba not long after that. That ten day trip changed my life. I have not been the same. From then on I knew the Lord had called me to be on mission with Him not just in the Bible belt but around the world as well.
Fast forward several years to my call to be the pastor of First Baptist Church Paradise on June 16, 2005. I will never forget that day because it was Father’s day. One of the things I began doing immediately was praying for where the Lord was calling our church to join Him in missions work around the world. Months went by and I felt no clear direction. I prayed and prayed and heard of several trips but never felt any specific calling to join Him on any of them. It was a very frustrating time. I deeply sensed the Lord wanted our church to be on mission with Him in our world but I could not get direction about where to do it. More months went by. Silence ensued.
One morning while praying in my office I reached across my desk and picked up the globe I keep sitting on my there. I began praying over every continent as I slowly spun the globe in clock like fashion asking God to give me His burden and to show me where our church was to be involved with Him around the world. I felt no specific leading though my heart was burdened for the churches and great needs in Asia, Africa, South America, and even in our own continent.
A few weeks later I found myself doing some preaching at a leadership camp in Abilene, TX. One day in between sessions, one of the camp leaders came into the room where I was seated and we struck up a conversation. He had lived in Texas at one time but was now living in Canada where he was serving as the vice president of the Southern Baptist Seminary there. I had heard him speaking about Canada before but my ears had always tuned out.
I began asking a few questions, mostly out of just trying to be polite. Somewhere in the middle of those questions and his answers it was as if the Lord shown a neon light over this guy and whispered in my heart, “This is the answer to the prayer you have been praying. I want you in Canada.”
My response was less than enthusiastic. Canada? That did not seem like a challenging assignment. I wanted our church to be on the front lines and possibly even in the face of danger. Canada seemed tame and even boring. I thought of Canada as a nation much like our own with plenty of churches and gospel witness.
Lou Leventhall and I exchanged email addresses and when I arrived back home after the camp, the Lord continued to press the call to go to Canada on my heart. I sent Lou an email to see if he even remembered who I was. He did and his reply pointed me to some people to contact for specific opportunities to serve in Canada. There were phone calls and many emails before our missions committee felt led to focus on Western Canada. We were put in contact with the church planting strategist for Western Canada who name is Tim Williams.
More emails ensued along with more phone calls. Finally Tim sent us a list of possible churches we could partner with. Two really stood out. The first was a church named Faith Baptist Church in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The second place we felt drawn to be to a new church start in a small town about an hour from Saskatoon. The First Baptist Church of Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada had an interesting story. About six people decided to start this church after the Lord’s prompting in a town with no Baptist church. They have never had a pastor in nearly three years of working. The average age of the church members is about 60. We were drawn there and FBC Paradise began to pray for both churches and what our involvement with them was to be.
A group of five from FBC Paradise, were led to take the first initial trip to Canada to meet with both churches and prayerfully determine what our involvement would mean. We all felt the Lord was calling us to make a minimum of a five year commitment to this area.
A three day exploratory and vision trip was planned for March 10-12, 2007. Randy and Jan Cosgrove, Ren Young, Darrell Fishbeck, and I felt drawn to go on this initial trip. What lies in the rest of these pages are my actual journal entries from the first flight out of DFW International Airport on Saturday morning until we touched back down two days later. So much happened over those three days, it was hard to capture it all on paper. My prayer is that as you read this, you will feel you were right alongside our group each step of the way. I also pray God would open your heart and allow Him to lay His burden for the vast nation of Canada in you.
Let me start this journey with you by offering a simply prayer. Father, I thank you for what you allowed us to experience with you last week. Thank you for choosing our church to join you in this great adventure. I pray you would speak to people and reveal your heart for not only the nation of Canada but also for the other nations of the world as well. I ask you to take these simple pages and this simple language and use it spread your kingdom in hearts and to bring glory to you. Thank you for that in advance.
In Jesus name. Amen.

Saturday March 10, 2007
6:05 a.m.

The alarm went off at 1:45 a.m. Groggily, I drug myself out of bed after barely three hours of sleep and stumbled into the bathroom to shave and shower. By 2:15 a.m. the church van was in our driveway and I was out the door with my luggage. Darrell Fishbeck was driving and Randy and Jan were already loaded on the van eager to start our adventure. We drove to Ren Young’s house and by 2:23 a.m. we were parked in his drive way praying before heading to DFW International Airport.
For weeks our prayers had included the people we would be sitting next to on the plane. All five of us were assigned middle seats and so we had asked the church to pray for ministry opportunities. We had asked the church to join us in these prayers.
I was not looking forward to being wedged between two other people from Dallas to Minneapolis like sardines in a can. God heard our prayers and gave me a ministry opportunity in another way I had not expected. I thought I would be sharing the gospel with a lost person but it turns out God used that time in other ways. I sat in between two young men both heading on trips for Spring Break. Michael, who was seated on my left, was a high school student from Lake Highlands heading to Billings, Montana with a herd of other high school students to ski and snow board. Our conversation was very superficial before he drifted off to sleep for the entire duration of the flight.
The young man seated to my right was a college student from Tarlton State University named Shiloh. Shiloh was a strong believer and gave testimony to his salvation experience with Jesus when I asked him where he would spend eternity. We had several deep theological discussions ranging from the sinful ordination of homosexual pastors, the doctrines of Calvinism verses Armenianism, our physical bodies being the temple of the Holy Spirit, and expository preaching verses topical preaching. Shiloh was flying to North Dakota to meet his fiancé named Naomi. He was only twenty, but I found it refreshing to meet a young man so grounded in the word and mature in his faith as he was. He takes being a spiritual leader of his home seriously. He and Naomi talk each morning to have prayer together before starting their days via cell phones.
Shiloh was terrified to fly. Our spiritual conversations were good for both us. For him they helped to provide comfort while we were taking off, in the air, and landing. For me it helped to pass the time quickly. He was genuinely moved when I told him people from Paradise had been praying for him for weeks even though we had not known his name.
We are only twenty minutes from touching down. What an exciting adventure this is. In about three hours we will be meeting Tim Williams and Steve Fish face to face in Saskatoon. This is the start of a five year adventure. My heart is overjoyed to be joining God on this quest though I do know what all to expect.
We still have two more legs of this journey before we land in Saskatoon. We have a brief lay over in Minneapolis before flying into Regina and then on to Saskatoon. Only the Lord knows all that awaits us there. We are beginning our descent so I will pick back up later.

Saturday March, 10, 2007
10:05 a.m.

We have landed in Minneapolis and are now on board Northwest Airlines flight 1166 which will stop first in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada before heading on to our final destination in Saskatoon. It has been a very smooth trip so far with the exception of feeling fatigued. I guess that is to be expected since we all got up before 2:00 a.m. this morning and got less than three hours sleep the night before. My heart is excited about not only what lies ahead for us on this trip, but also what to look forward to on future trips. Over the next five years, I can see myself coming to Canada multiple times. I’m thrilled that for the second time in my ministry I will have the opportunity to preach on foreign soil. The Lord is burning His word in my heart for those people.
It has been amazing to watch God put all this together. There is nobody seated between Ren and me so I have some time to write. Upon our missions committee feeling drawn to Saskatchewan, we started the Experiencing God study and were pleasantly surprised to see Faith Baptist Church mentioned so prominently in the material because Henry Blackaby served as the pastor of that church several years ago. We knew nothing about Faith Baptist Church and Saskatchewan other than feeling drawn there. It was clear confirmation that we were joining God in this mission’s journey. The Lord provided all the money (over $3,500) for this first trip. Someone also gave a designated gift of $2,000 to be given directly to the work in Canada.
It is amazing to have had a front row seat to have watched God connect FBC Paradise in Texas with two churches with great needs over 1,500 miles away. I feel a deep sense of connection with these people I have never met because of all the intercessions that have gone up on their behalves prior to this trip. I already feel a deep sense of kinship with these brothers and sisters in Christ.
My heart aches for them as they toil to plant gospel seed in the hard soil of Canadian hearts. All reports I have received in advance indicate the progress of the gospel and expansion of God’s kingdom in Canada is slow work. Yet, my faith is undaunted. I look forward to seeing the powerful moving of a Sovereign God over the next five years. I expect our investment to be substantial spiritually as we pray and minister, emotionally as we love and encourage, and financially as we give. Five years starting this Spring Break takes us into the Spring Break of 2012. What can God do over those months and years? Exceedingly and abundantly more than we can think or ask. [Eph 3:20]
I really get excited thinking about taking a large group from FBC Paradise to labor in Canada later this summer. I know the work will be hard but, what better way to showcase the glory and power of God and to challenge our church to pray.
By now we have flown into Canadian air space. I pray for a large vision for this vast country where so many live separated from a relationship with Christ. O Lord, I ask you for a burden for the people of Saskatchewan. I pray for You would burn Your heart of love for these people into the hearts of the flock back in Paradise. I pray now for favor with both Tim and Steve as we meet them in the airport shortly. I ask You for a real connection with Faith Baptist Church this evening and with FBC Humboldt in the morning. I pray for anointing and a real sense of Your presence. I ask You to encourage those saints and let us all believe You for breakthrough in those cities. I’m thankful You revealed Your heart to us and thank You for confirming every step of the way that this is where You want us and have called us to serve.
I ask you to allow our hearts to be captured by the need here. O Lord, please consume us over these next three days. I plead with You to work to give us a clear picture of what You desire from our church and how we can partner with Your work here. Thank You for allowing us to join You in this work. I’m humbled that You have called us to a region with such a rich and rewarding legacy of advancing your kingdom. I pray You will restore Faith Baptist Church to a place of spiritual health and a place of effectiveness like they have not known in years. I’m happy to join You in this and pray for a real legacy of faith to pass on to my sons, the wonderful people in our church, and to tired and battle weary pastors in this country as well. I want to thank You for expanding our territory as a church. We believe You for the miraculous.
At one time Faith Baptist church had over two hundred in attendance, but today they average less than fifty. The only other Baptist church in Saskatoon used to have as many as three hundred in attendance but today they have declined to barely a couple of dozen people. Both churches combined average less than one hundred people in a town with the population of 300,000. The need is great and therefore our commitment must be great as well.
I’m tired. We’re set to land in about an hour and a half, so I think I will try and get some sleep before we start the last leg of the trip.

Saturday March 10, 2007
11:20 a.m.

My brief nap was refreshing. The captain just said we are about 70 miles out from the town of Regina. Looking down, the land looks like a giant sheet cake covered with vanilla icing. The land is covered with snow although the temperature today is only 27 degrees Fahrenheit with a slight wind chill.
Praise the Lord our flight was not crowded and Ren and I were able to sit on the same row with an empty seat in between us. This has been a very smooth and relaxing flight.
We will be on the ground in Regina for only a few minutes before making the forty five minute trip on to Saskatoon. The Lord has answered our prayers by giving us a smooth trip thus far. I expect the Lord to complete that prayer through the last part of our trip and clearing customs in Saskatoon.
From this vantage point Canada looks very desolate. A few farm houses and barns are scattered over the country side but, for the most part all you can see from up here is flat snow covered plains. We just saw two guys on the ground riding snow mobiles. That is not something we see back home. This is definitely new territory for this East Texas native. What is amazing is that the same Jesus who saved me nearly two thousand miles to the south of here is saving people here as well.
I can see the town of Regina in the distance. I can almost see the entire city from up here. It does not appear to be near as large as the Metroplex back home. Now I can make out the snow covered roof tops and front yards of residential homes all built in neat rows. Welcome to Canada! We just touched down!
We have taxied down the runway and made our way to our gate. My mind drifts off to going through customs in Saskatoon. We have been handed Canada Border Services documentation papers which we have all filled out and will be turned in Saskatoon as enter the country.
A Shell fuel truck has just pulled up next to the plane. It reminds of the Time Out Shell station back in Paradise.
From where we have flown thus far, I am surprised by how few trees I have seen. I know Canada is a large country with different types of geography just as in the States. I just never expected the land to be so flat here. It reminds me a lot of Lubbock.
A man just walked down the aisle wearing a Dakota State University Bison sweat shirt. I have never seen one of them before. No Big XII teams up here. In fact, there is no NFL up here. What a concept.
Saskatoon has a university and a professional Canadian football team. This is a different world in many ways and yet people are people no matter where you go. I’m eager to land and meet Tim and Steve. I feel a great sense of expectation and believe this will prove to be a very profitable trip. I hope to be able to capture all of it from start to finish on these pages for the people of Paradise to read when we get back home. I hope they will feel they are here with us.
Lord, I pray for no complications going through customs. I pray for smooth sailing on the rest of our short flight.
On the row in front of us are two small girls giggling and playing while we continue to sit on the ground here in Regina. They remind me my boys back home. I cherished their hugs and kisses last night before they went to bed. Taylor and Tanner have talked me about wanting to come up here this summer too. If the Lord wills, nothing would make me happier than seeing my boys actively involved in God’s work both in Paradise and around the world. Taylor has especially shown an interest in God’s work around the world. I pray I will be able to point all of them continually to God’s heart for the nations and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.” [Matt 28:19-20]

Saturday March 10, 2007
12:03 p.m.

The doors on the plane have now been closed and we are pulling away from the gate. In less than an hour, all of our praying will be culminated with the whole purpose for which we made this trip in the first place. We will be walking on Canadian soil.
It is hard to know what to expect. I know we will come in contact with thousands who do not know the Lord and who could care less that we have come to help. We were told in advance not to expect an overly warm reception from the people. I am not sure what kind of reception we will receive from the churches. Our only contacts in this province have been Tim and Steve. We have had not contact whatsoever with the church in Humboldt. Our orientation packet told us Canadians are not very trusting and though they are cordial, they for the most part do not open their hearts or homes easily.
We are air born once again. One thing I have not noticed while looking out the window is even one church steeple indicating the strong presence of God in the community. To my right I see hundreds of houses but no steeples. I cannot fathom the magnitude of a country where 95% of the people are lost and do not attend a church of any kind.
The task before us looks overwhelming. We are not the first church to feel called of God to come to this nation ripe for evangelism harvest. My mind wonders about other pastors and missions teams who have come here with great expectations only to leave disheartened and discouraged. We are not a large church. Our financial resources are limited. There may even be people back home who doubt the validity of Your call Lord to this country. When I look at all that stands in our way in even making the slightest dent in the spiritual void of this country, it is intimidating. But when I turn my attention to You Father, and I think about Your love for this country and Your great desire to save them and provide strong and solid Christ exalting and Bible proclaiming churches, what or whom can stand in Your way. I know you have called us here and the success of this work depends on You and not us.
I don’t know what You are doing here before we ever set foot on this soil but I know You are at work. I sure do not come up here as an expert. I do not think I have all the answers to help solve their problems. All I have is You and the confidence in Your ability to remove any and every mountain before us, whether it be cultural, spiritual, emotional, or financial. You have purposed to work in this country and who can thwart that purpose? You convict people of sin and draw them to Yourself, so how can they resist the lavishness of Your grace? You are more than able to meet all the challenges in Canada, not just on our end, but more importantly for Your faithful remnant church and pastoral leaders who are scattered all over this nation.
I’m humbled and grateful You have chosen FBC Paradise to play a small role in Your global kingdom agenda. We are literally taking [Mark 16:15] to heart. “And He said unto them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’”
Down below I cannot see any signs of civilization. I can only see snow covered plains far off into the horizon. After several minutes of searching, I have finally located one solitary farm house in the distance. I can only imagine the fortitude of heart needed to battle the brutal winters here. We have it easy today. The skies are clear and the temperature is a balmy 27 degrees. I say balmy because just a few days ago the temperature was below 0. There are times when the temperature dips to a frigid -40. For all the snow on the ground, the roads are remarkably clear. People really live far apart from each other out in these rural sections. It must be very lonely.
The flight attendant just informed us we are nearing our arrival in Saskatoon. Our mission began with being passengers seated in the middle of complete strangers back in Dallas, TX. Now we are about to make our first contact with the people of Canada.
I’m excited and eager to learn, to listen, and to watch where the Father is at work. Though our task is formidable, I have a peace that all of this has been God ordained and orchestrated.
Down below, next to the silhouette of the plane’s shadow, I can see the first major highway and the beginning signs of a more urban setting. Again I can make out a lot of houses and buildings but, I have yet to find a church steeple. The lack of church steeples is symbolic of the spiritual void that exists in this land. In the distance I can see the Canadian flag waving in the breeze atop a flag pole. We have just touched down. Welcome to Saskatoon.

March 10, 2007
5:55 p.m.

After landing in Saskatoon, we have been in two different meetings and we had the chance to tour the Faith Baptist Church where Henry Blackaby had such powerful encounters with God. Our meetings lasted four hours to help orientate us into the cultural and spiritual needs in Saskatchewan. My mind is swimming with information. The need here is every bit as great as we thought it would be if not greater. I took four pages of notes on the information they gave us. Over the course of the next two days I will try to share as much of that information as time permits on the pages of this journal.
Physically I am exhausted but spiritually I’m pumped. I know God has called us here and apart from Him, we will never be able to make much difference, yet with God all things are possible. [Matt 19:26]
There are two churches with gigantic needs we have been put in contact with. We serve an incredible God with unlimited power and resources. It was mind boggling to hear about all the needs and to think about our church trying to meet them. It will be impossible in the natural realm. We have to tap into God’s supernatural power to make any lasting difference.
One of the big things we learned in our meetings was the importance of building trust with the people. Since Canadians are not very trusting people, I think servant evangelism projects will be a huge part of our service here.

Sunday March 11, 2007
6:30 a.m.

We had a good night of sleep once we were able to get our room cooled off. Darrell, Ren, and I shared a room while Randy and Jan had their own room down the hall. I’m still amazed that I’m sitting in the hotel room lobby in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. It was hot in the room and to date I still have not worn my coat, hat, or gloves. The room was hot until Ren figured out how to turn the fan on the window unit since the knobs were all missing. It is not uncommon for people here not to have air conditioning in their homes even though temperatures can get as high as 100 degrees in the summers. I’m sitting down in the lobby in beach shorts, a tee shirt, and my star spangled banner flip flops. Tim and Steve have assured this is atypical weather and that we must have brought the warm weather from Texas.
It is good to get up early to spend time with You, Father. There was no place to meet with You in the room, so this lobby will have to do, though the television is blaring in the background. I’m glad to have this place though to block out everything else but You. Although I am over a thousand miles from home, meeting with You is the same. It is my favorite time of the day. I’m thankful that I get to minister Your word today in Humboldt. I am so very grateful You have called me to this work. I ask you to burn Your message on my heart for those dear folks in Humboldt. It feels like molten lava about to erupt.
I ask You to move deep in my soul to prepare me to minister to those people. I ask You to give me connection with them and I ask You to grant us favor with them. I pray for an immediate bond and that You would allow our team to build trust with the people in Humboldt. I ask You for fresh anointing on our whole team. I pray You would really give us a heart for this country. I know there are no quick fixes but I will not doubt You nor doubt Your power to work and move. I pray for humility and meekness as I share Your word. I pray You would help me to be sensitive to Your leadership.
Our schedule today calls for us to meet for breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and then to leave for Humboldt at 8:30 a.m. It will take us about an hour to drive out to First Baptist Church. The service is scheduled to start at 10:30 a.m. Darrell will be leading the music today and Randy is going to give his testimony. I will preach from Luke chapter five. After the service we will go to lunch with the church leadership and then have a meeting in one of the member’s home where we will do more planning about our involvement in the future. To be invited into a home here is a big deal. Due to lack of trust and being that people being very slow to open their hearts here, it is a great honor to be invited into someone’s home. This is not something we are taking for granted. After our meetings in Humboldt, we plan to meet with the pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Steve Fish, this evening for one last meeting. It will be a full and exciting day.
This will be the second time that I have been blessed with the chance to preach the riches of God’s word outside the borders of the United States. I’m humbled God would allow me to make spiritual investment here. I pray the people will be encouraged in Humboldt. I pray Your presence will be felt in a way they have not felt for a long time. I ask You for a deeply spiritual service. I pray for a real connection with the leadership and that You show our team favor.
I pray You would allow me the great privilege of establishing a long term ministry in this country. Please help me to become an advocate for Canada both here and when I get back home. May I work with other pastors and churches to partner churches from the States with the need here in Saskatoon. I am thankful You have called us to be one the first churches to get involved. I plead for Your help and effectiveness.
One of the highlights and low lights for me yesterday was to walk the halls and in the sanctuary of Faith Baptist Church. To walk in the same places where Henry Blackaby walked was thrilling and humbling. When I think of the impact of his ministry not only in Canada but all over the world, I cannot believe God has opened the door for us to partner in this same region. I’m thrilled. Yet, on the other hand, I am saddened to see the condition of the church spiritually, numerically, and physically. The carpet looks like it is the original carpet put down nearly thirty years ago. The church has struggled so much that they are renting their facilities to two different music teachers and a Korean Presbyterian Church. They are also renting out two of the three church offices. Faith Baptist Church has fallen on some really hard times. In fact, all the Baptist churches in Saskatoon (there are only two of them) have fallen on hard times.
I do not sense the deep spirituality in the pastor that I have sensed from Henry Blackaby when I have heard him preach and read his books. In all of the meetings yesterday, I heard very little about prayer and the power of God. I did hear a lot about methodologies. Only God meet the needs here.
We heard about one church planter who sent our 10,000 flyers for his church and they had only ten adults respond. Additionally, we heard about a church planter who sent out over 60,000 flyers for his new church inviting people to the first service. Not one person responded. Only fervent prayer can break up the fallow ground of Canada to open people’s heart to the gospel.

Sunday March 11, 2007
8:55 a.m.

After the team ate breakfast together, we have loaded into our rental van and are driving to Humboldt. I trust the Lord for a deeply spiritual service. I pray You would allow Your anointing to make connection with these people and breakthrough our cultural barriers. I pray Lord You would help us to earn trust.
On this drive we have seen a few deer and cattle (despite the deep snow) and the more rural life outside the city of Saskatoon. I’m enjoying the time on this trip with our team. The Lord continually affirms our faith in coming here. Our time here has been very informative. Five out of every one hundred people in this country are saved. I still cannot fathom that ninety five out of every one hundred people are lost without Christ. That is staggering. There are multitudes of lost people back in Paradise but there are also strong numbers of believers too. Hundreds even a thousand plus people are meeting this morning in Paradise to worship in all the local churches. There is still evangelistic work to do in the Bible belt; but at least there is a witness. We’ve been in Canada for nearly eighteen hours and we have just seen our second church steeple off in the distance. I can walk out on the front porch of FBC Paradise and can easily see the steeples of The Church of Christ, First Christian Church, and First United Methodist Church all within easy walking distance not to mention our own steeple. Things are much different here.
Much of this country reminds me of home. Down the street from our hotel are a McDonalds and a Burger King. For the most part the language is the same although the restroom is called the “washroom”. Most of the driving laws are the same except the speed limits being in kilometers rather than miles per hour. One major cultural difference here is that people take their shoes off before entering someone’s home. We took our shoes off while walking around Faith Baptist Church. The one major difference that stands out to me is the lostness of this country. There are not churches on every street corner. If you see a church at all most likely it is Catholic. There is a spiritual darkness over this land like a spiritual eclipse. Back home there are thousands and thousands of believers in Wise County who contrast the darkness by being the light of the world. There is little light in this dark and Christless country.
Do not let the physical beauty of this place fool you. This is a pagan country and with the exception of a few pastors, church planters, and denominational employees, there is not any help. That is why it is so critical for churches like ours to leave the comfort of our Bible belt existence and come sow seed in Canadian soil. The need is so great that these remnant believers cannot do it alone.
We just saw a sign for Humboldt to the east as we travel highway 5. We are getting close. There are beautiful rolling hills along the road now with a few trees mixed in periodically. The barbed wire fence posts are half to three quarters buried in the snow. We were told yesterday they got their first snow in September and the snow will not all melt until sometime in May. Canadians have only about three months when the weather is good. During these months they vacation and spend as much time outdoors as possible.
One thing I’ve learned in our brief time here is not to take Paradise for granted. I’m grateful for our committed core members who love and serve. I’m grateful for God’s provision for us to keep doing ministry and even take trips like we are own. I’m grateful for the love and support of the flock that make serving there such an enjoyable experience. I’m living a blessed life.
Father, as we get nearer to Humboldt we are only forty five minutes from the start of the service. My heart is ready to minister to these people. I feel like a race horse in the starting gates anxious to run. I yearn to start making a real spiritual investment in this country and among these people specifically. I yearn to be a man who gives myself wholly to Your mission work here. I pray You would deepen my affections for these people even though I have never laid eyes on them.

Sunday March 11, 2007
10:35 a.m.

FBC Humboldt meets in a Senior Citizen Center made out of wood siding painted white with brown trim. We prayed together as a mission team in a side room before the start of the service. What a meeting. I have felt such a deep sense of God’s presence here. The prayer meeting was the real thing. How humbling to join God in the midst of this great church and God’s work here. It is not great in size of numerical attendance but the undaunted faith of these people inspires me.
Including our team, there are a total of seventeen people present this morning. The singing of the first hymn (Victory in Jesus) was worship like I have not been a part of in a long time. Darrell led that old familiar song from a dilapidated out of tune piano, but I’ve not heard singing or experienced worship like that in a long long while. Those people were hungry for God and the presence of God saturated that Senior Citizen Center. What made it so spiritually enriching was the presence of God we all felt. God is here and He has invited us to join Him here.
Randy Cosgrove is sharing his testimony as I write this and the people are listening intently. His story is the old familiar story of Amazing Grace and Victory in Jesus. What a testimony. On the day Randy was saved he walked down the aisle during a Sunday morning worship service. He did not know what to pray or even what to do but God saved him anyway. Just as the Lord saved Randy who grew up in a Godless pagan home, He will also save people both in Paradise and in Humboldt.
Darrell continues to lead us in worship. It is awesome! I do not sense the presence of God so strongly back in Paradise. These people mean business and perhaps we take church and worship for granted back home. It easy to do so with our padded pews, easy access to the facilities, our wonderful musical instruments and accompanist. These people have to work hard each Sunday to have church. To whom much is given much is required.

March 11, 2007
2:00 p.m.

Preaching for the people of Humboldt was an AWESOME experience. I felt anointed and an immediate connection with the people. It was a treasured time of ministry. I know the people were encouraged and faith was built because several told us so. I heard one person on our team relate that one of the Humboldt ladies commented she felt like she had known us for years. God answered our prayers in allowing us to build trust with these people. We went out to eat after church where we spent nearly two hours cultivating relationships.
Now we are sitting in Nick and Mary’s home (I do not know their last name) which is a huge honor for us. Outside the snow banks on the sidewalks and driveways are three and four feet deep. The street lamps in people’s yards stand strained at their necks barely keeping their lamps above the snow in places. We have gathered with seven of the core members of FBC Humboldt to meet about our future involvement and to pray.
These people are beautiful. Our involvement here is definitely God ordained and God orchestrated.
What will come of our meeting this afternoon?

March 11, 2007
4:56 p.m.

We met for two hours and enjoyed a sweet season of prayer. It is like we have been ordained to be here. There is no way I can effectively describe the spiritual and emotional connection we have felt with these sweet people. It has been designed by God. We have laughed together, prayed together, planned together, and dreamed the Lord’s dream together. Several options were discussed about our involvement here. We ended the meeting with a commitment to pray over the next couple of weeks concerning what we are to do. Two options really stood out. We could help out in the community during a city wide festival in late June and early July called Summer Sizzler doing servant evangelism and possibly some remodeling work on the Senior Citizen Center they are renting. We talked about the possibility of doing some youth work but the time may not be ready for that. I’m not sure what our exact involvement will be, but just out of our conversations with the members I know there is a need and feel a peace this is where the Lord wants us to labor.
There is a lady in this group from Humboldt who drives over from the town of Leroy (which is also mentioned in Experiencing God) to come to church. She commented that within one year the church there will most likely shut down and there will not be any evangelical church in that town. We met another lady who was from South Africa. Are these spring boards to other mission opportunities? The Lord will reveal if they are. Until then we are to pray, watch, wait, and join God.
Nick and Mary, an older couple who seem to be the church leaders, are the most committed of this core it seems. They just told us they don’t want us to leave even though we have stayed two hours longer than we had first anticipated. They want to take our team out for dinner because they are enjoying our visit so much. This is the very antithesis of what we were told to expect from Canadians. Their hospitality has been warm and a pleasant experience for all of us. We have just been served chocolate cake and ice cream. It is more evidence and confirmation of God directing us to these people and answering prayers for favor with them.
This has been an overwhelming experience on so many different levels. I want to thank You Lord for allowing me to partake of all this. I pray for wisdom about what exactly You want our church to do on our next trip here and when that trip should be. I pray for wisdom and discernment about the mission of our next trip and the dates of that trip.
You already know the best option and You already know what will make the most kingdom impact for You. I pray for a sense of Your direction in Humboldt and I ask You for a sense of what You have predestined us to do. I ask You to deepen all our affections for this place.
I’ll never forget Ren’s prayer in that living room. Even though we were over a thousand miles from home in Paradise he said that he felt like he was home as well in Humboldt. Lord you have done this in all our hearts. Praise be Your name.
Randy is sitting in the den visiting with two men from Humboldt, Nick and Roy. Jan is in another part of the house visiting with Mary who is married to Nick. They are both in their seventies. Darrell, Ren, and I are sitting at the dining table talking theology while I am trying to lasso this trip with words onto the printed page. Our time here has been full, rich, enriching, as well as rewarding.
It was a joy to call back to FBC Paradise while they were meeting in Experiencing God and to get to talk to Leisha Young to give a small update on what we are doing here in Canada. We asked FBC Paradise to pray for Humboldt to find a pastor and for wisdom about what we are to do on our next trip. I pray that was an exciting and encouraging moment for our church as well as for the Humboldt church.

Monday March 12, 2007
7:20 a.m.

After going out to eat with Nick, Mary, and Roy, we drove back to Saskatoon getting here a little before 10:00 p.m. Steve Fish wanted to meet with us last night for one more meeting. We met him at a coffee shop along with one of the members from his church who was a tall slender man named Tony. I have to confess that after thirty minutes of that meeting, I was tired and ready to go back to the hotel for some sleep.
I have enjoyed my time in Canada and have learned much in the short time we have been here. Preaching in Humboldt was a real treasure and delight. The word the Lord gave me proved to be very timely for them. My prayers were answered as several people came to me and said they were encouraged through the message. I can see now that my church planting experience with CentrePointe has prepared me to minister to these people in Humboldt who are going through the hard struggles of starting a church and trying to grow it.
Humboldt has a large Catholic influence. The Catholic church has a strangle hold on the schools and it did have a vice like grip on the hospital until the town voted for the hospital to go public about a week before we arrived. Estimations are that anywhere from 60%-70% of the people claim to be Catholic though much fewer really attend mass. I sense a real spiritual hunger in people who are tired of going through the ritual of religion.
All we have heard is how hard the work is here but I cannot discount the power of God to breakthrough all of that. I really got a sense that the people of Humboldt know how to pray and seek the Lord’s face. Nick and Mary have to be in their seventies and their own children have told them they are too old to be starting a church, yet they keep going. They are an inspiration to me and I hope will also inspire our senior adults back in Paradise. I hope to be able to clearly communicate the vision of what You are doing here Lord. I plead for our church to really get behind the people of Humboldt. I pray for Your call on people to come join us on our next trip and for Your call on people to give financially make this mission possible.

Monday March 12, 2007
12:10 p.m.

We are sitting in the airport here in Saskatoon awaiting our flight back to the States. We will fly to the capitol city of Regina and then onto Minneapolis where we will go through customs and finally board another plane to take us back to DFW. It has been a great trip, but it will be nice to get back home. So much has happened over the last three days. It has been a challenge to capture my thoughts and observations along the way. I’ve sought to write in this journal every chance I have had. It will be a challenge to cast vision so that our people can really get a heart for what the Lord is calling us to do here. It has been such a rich experience for us. Long will I recall the passion with which I heard the Humboldt church sing with yesterday, morning! Their devotion to God was evident though the median age of the church is about sixty years old. Think of it. Senior adults stepping out in faith in their twilight years believing God for a miracle church to be birthed. They have had little to no help. They simply heard the call of God to start the church and faithfully plod along week after week.
Another challenge we will face is to be focused on doing only what the Lord leads us to do. There is so much work to do and at this point we cannot meet every need. The truth is we will never be able to meet every need but God can.
All of us felt a deep spiritual connection with the people in Humboldt. We are excited about our future there and all the Lord will do in us and through us over the next five years.
The financial challenges of bringing a large team here are great. We have only been here three days and it cost our teams $3,500. Yet, the God who called us will make a way for us to continue the work there. He will show Himself to be a timely provider.

Monday March 12, 2007
1:07 p.m.

We are now seated on the plane getting ready to taxi out to the run way. The Saskatoon airport is not a big airport. It reminds me of the airports in Amarillo, Lubbock, and Odessa. There are only about seven gates so it should not take long.
Maria is a wonderful flight attendant we just met while getting seated. Not only is she a Christian but a Southern Baptist as well. She saw Ren’s Experiencing God book and since then we have been talking God stuff. She is a faithful witness in the air. Maria lives in Minneapolis and has been a flight attendant for the past eleven years. It is encouraging to know that God has His missionaries scattered all over the world in disguise as flight attendants, business people, teachers, and various other positions spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.
Just the same, I’m thankful for the remnant church in Canada and especially in Humboldt who continue to be the light of the world in a very dark place. Father, I lift up the people at Humboldt and ask You to encourage them. I ask You to increase their faith and bless them with the desires of their hearts and the desire of Your heart in a pastor. I do not know where that man is. I do not know how You will call and connect that man to Humboldt but I absolutely trust You to do so. I trust You for provision to make that position available. I pray You would release Your money to FBCH and to Canada through our church and other churches in the States as well. I pray You would help us to believe You to expand Your kingdom. I’m thrilled to worship You and to join You in another adventure that stretches my faith. I pray You would give FBC Paradise a heart to seek Your Kingdom first and that all these other things would be added to us. [Matt 6:33] I’m thrilled to have found a nation where You have called us to serve. Only You could have connected us to Humboldt. What a blessing to partner with You. You have exceeded our hopes with a heart connection with these people. You have led us to make a covenant partnership with them. This looks so huge but You have done the work and moved obstacles that could have stood in our way. You can and will help make a way where there seems to be no way. With You the sky is the limit. I say yes to all You want to do in Canada through me personally and through the ministry of our church. I say “yes” to Your work around the world and all over Paradise.
I’m looking forward to getting back home to Brenda and the boys. I can’t wait to share all this with my best friend and wife. I can’t wait to see her heart open up to Your work here in this country. I can’t wait to bring my boys back here someday so they can serve and witness Your work with their very own eyes. I ask You to birth a heart for missions and evangelism in their young and impressionable hearts. I don’t know how You will provide for our next trip but I trust You to do that.
We are about to touch down in Regina. Slowly but surely we are making our way back to Texas. I wish I could unzip my heart and allow all I have experienced on this trip to spill out on these pages but, alas I am limited to this pen and my vocabulary. I’m helpless to really communicate the need and the visible work of the Lord I witnessed as the Lord bonded our hearts with the hearts of the people from Humboldt. I saw the Lord work in bonding their hearts with us as well. I don’t know how many trips the Lord is going to call me to make over the next several years, but I know part of my heart will remain in Canada once we cross back over into the United States. Lord willing, I will be back on Canadian soil many many times.
We have just landed in Regina. I don’t think I have ever been on any preaching trip that has gone any smoother than this trip. I attribute that to all the prayer that has gone into this. I know our people back home have faithfully lifted us up. It has made all the difference. Jan did a phenomenal job of organizing all the logistics. It has been evident that God has gone before us to smooth the way each part of this journey. It has been a glorious experience.
I will always treasure my experience of getting to preach in Humboldt. Those people were hungry for the word and they ate it up like a hungry man at dinner. You transcended all barriers to do Your work among those people. Praise You Lord.
Randy was able to pray with a man who had been battling sin for a long time yesterday in Nick and Mary’s home. Jan was able to share her testimony with Mary who knew the pain of marrying a lost man and praying fervently to see that man saved. The future here is pregnant with ministry opportunities.

Monday March 12, 2007
2:09 p.m.

We are on the ground in Regina taking on a few passengers headed to the United States. The door has closed and the fasten seat belt sign has been lit. I have an entire row to myself to collect my thoughts and continue these journal entries. Soon we will be air born headed to Minnesota. I’m looking forward to being back home. I miss Brenda and the boys and I miss the wonderful flock back in Paradise. I miss my office where I can lock myself away from the outside world to seek and hear God. I miss my sleeping in my own bed, but I know part of my heart will remain in Canada. Part of my passion for the advancement of the Kingdom will remain here as well. I look forward to my return to this foreign soil we now call home away from home.
We are barreling down the runway taking off. Once again we are off the ground and in the air. It will take around two hours to get back to Minneapolis. We should touch down around 4:50 p.m. with Daylight Savings Time computed in.
This will give me a good chance to relate the valuable information we learned in our orientation meetings on Saturday. I have not had any time to get that information put into this journal. I took four pages of notes on our meetings and want to share the most important stuff now.
Canada is a very different country with different attitudes than the United States. In one survey given to Canadians they were asked, “What does it mean to be Canadian?” The overwhelming number one response was, “Not American.” Most people here do not have a great deal of appreciation for Americans or America. We definitely found exceptions to this rule in our travels and conversations with people.
Canadians value tolerance much more so than people in the States do, though it seems our country is following suit. Therefore, Canadians are tolerant of all religions and not aggressive in sharing the gospel. Everyone in Canada is seen to have the right to believe what they want to believe and to share the gospel could be seen has very pushy and arrogant. Confrontational evangelism is not the most effective method as a result.
The province of Saskatchewan is as large as the state of Texas. Within that land mass are only about one million people. Texas has cites with that many people. Over half of the population of Saskatchewan can be found in two cities; Regina with about 200,000 and Saskatoon with close to 300,000 people living there. Over the past decade 500,000 people have left this province to follow the oil boom in Alberta. Predictions suggest that there will be major growth in Saskatchewan as housing costs in Alberta continue to sky rocket. We were told that an average 1,600 square feet house in Alberta used to go for about $200,000 just a few years ago but now that same house would cost $400,000. People cannot afford to live in Alberta and so the prediction is that people will come back to Saskatchewan where there is every bit as much oil as in Alberta but it has not been tapped into yet. Due to the mass exodus of people over the past decade, this province is economically depressed. Most of the skilled laborers left and followed the oil boom where the money is. I see this fact as one way our church will able help doing some type of construction projects.
The town of Humboldt could actually double in population over the next ten years because of the affordable housing there. This is why it is so crucial that we get on the front end of that growth rather than waiting until the back end. This is what happened in Alberta and the church is has been playing catch up ever since.
The towns of Regina and Saskatoon account for half of the population of the entire province. That means that at least half of the population lives in rural settings. This cold be readily seen when we flew in a couple of days ago.
Ren just came back to my seat to tell me he read about Humboldt in his Experiencing God work book. Many years ago Faith Baptist Church had wanted to start a church in Humboldt and actually had a Bible Study meeting there. One of the local churches got a delegation together and actively opposed the Bible study and desire to plant a church in that town. These town people said the work of a Baptist church was the work of the Devil.
Praise the Lord nearly three years ago Mary read this as she was going through the Experiencing God study on her own and the Lord used it to call her and Nick to start the First Baptist Church of Humboldt. It was their desire to have a Bible believing, gospel proclaiming, and Christ exalting church. The dominant church in town is the Catholic Church. Their intimidation tactics have been used over and over to prevent evangelical churches from being planted in towns all over Canada. One person made the comment that Humboldt was a Catholic town but someone else quickly spoke up and said Humboldt was God’s town.
Driving through Humboldt yesterday morning we found this to be true. The largest church building with massive facilities was the St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is so influential across the nation that there are two separate school systems; the public schools and the Catholic schools even though the government funds both of them.
In the Bible Belt of Canada, a large church other than the Catholics would be a church of around 350. The need for multiple churches is obvious and the support of those churches is crucial. In the province of Saskatchewan there is about one truly evangelical church for about every 2,000 people. These numbers are good in comparison to the numbers in Eastern Canada where there are only a few churches for tens of thousands of people.
Despite this, the gospel is advancing. For every twelve members of a Baptist church statistics indicate that one person is saved and baptized. That ratio would be much higher in the state of Texas. It takes more members to see one person saved back home. The work in Canada is very slow but people are being saved through relational evangelism. Most churches are just trying to survive from week to week and month and month to keep the doors open. We heard a story yesterday about a church that is right on the verge of closing the doors. If it does there will not be any gospel witness from a church that town. Is this an invitation from God to join Him in this work as well?
The largest Baptist church in Saskatchewan is a church located in Prince Albert which has 250 in attendance. There are churches that have not been able to find a pastor in nearly a decade. As a result the attendance of such churches plummets and giving goes down and they are unable to support a pastor by themselves. They need help.
Though there has been Baptist influence in Canada for the past fifty years, the Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists has existed since only 1986. There is a huge leadership void as far as potential pastors and church planters across the whole convention.
As I mentioned earlier, God once again used Henry Blackaby and the book, Experiencing God, he wrote to give birth to FBC Humboldt. Before FBC church existed people went to a non-denominational church. When the leadership of this church began to support the ordination of homosexual pastors the last straw was broken. That is when Nick and Mary left that church and began praying for what they would do next. God used the Experiencing God study to call them to start FBC Humboldt. This will not be an easy work for any pastor. There will be sacrifices on all fronts but the God who calls is also faithful to bring it to pass. [I Thess 5:24] The most the convention can give any pastor starting a new church is a $1,000 a month. It is not much but it is a start like the loaves and the fish. God can multiply it and add more to that amount.
I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that 95:100 people are lost in this country. There are some provinces where that number would increase to about 99.5:100 such as Quebec. Lord, how can I communicate this great need to the people back home? What can I do so they really get it? Our church must rally around what You are doing in Saskatchewan. We must pray as we have never prayed before.
Welcome back to the United States. The landing gear has just been lowered and we are only moments from touching down in Minneapolis. How can those below ever comprehend how we have met with God and experienced Him in such magnificent ways? We are on the ground. We have a two hour lay over before one last flight back to Dallas followed by a short drive back to Paradise. It is 4:40 p.m.

March 12, 2007
7:24 p.m.

We have boarded the plane and soon we will be in the air again. This flight appears to be more crowded than our last one. I am still praying and holding out hope for some space between me any other passenger so I can finish this journaling. Praise the Lord. I just asked the flight attendant if I could move seats and she moved me to an empty seat with an empty middle seat between me and a lady seated on the aisle. I am seated on the exit row near the window with plenty of leg and elbow room. The lady next to me has ear phones in her ears watching some movie on a portable device.
I’ve enjoyed this trip but my heart has turned toward home. What a journey we have been on for the last several days. I’ve learned much and had my faith challenged along with getting a God sized burden for Canada.
The one thing we heard over and over again from church leaders is that our trip would be successful if we could just build trust with the people. We were encouraged to take it easy and not to be too aggressive since they would be more reserved. The Christ in us proved to be more powerful than cultural barriers. Even though we were loud Americans in spite of ourselves, God still used us. I was continually conscience in most restaurants that we were often the loudest people there laughing and talking. I was told not to preach with too much volume but God used me just being me in preaching. I tried to share with a softer more gentle style but I am afraid the more excited I became the more the volume increased. I could see the people responding and yearning for the pure milk of the word. Some nodded in approval, others smiled, there were a few on the edge of their seat, and God did every bit of that even to the point we they verbally responded to my questions in the message just like the people back home in Paradise. Each one of those things was evidence of God’s working and answering our prayers to show us favor.
I wrote down three goals in our meetings on Saturday I hoped we could accomplish on this trip. First, I wanted our team to build trust with the people. God accomplished that. Second, I hoped that our team and the people in Humboldt could really get to know each other. The Lord accomplished that as well. My third goal was to determine when we would go back and what we would be doing on our next trip. That is still a matter of prayer. God will reveal it in time.
We drove into the town of Humboldt on Sunday morning as complete strangers. We left having had our souls knit together with the brothers and sisters in Christ in that town. We are spiritual family.
We just lifted off the ground for one final flight back to Texas. The air might be turbulent as reports of Thunderstorms have been related to the captain. In a short while our feet will touch the soil of familiar territory. We will walk to baggage claim to get our luggage and then walk out to the parking area to get into the van and drive back to Paradise on Hwy 114. It will be a glorious reunion in my heart when I see that old Paradise city limits sign. There might be some sleepy eyed little boys still awake hoping to see their daddy. There will be a loving and supportive wife who will be too excited to sleep their to greet me with a hug and kiss. Similar reunions will happen in the Fishbeck, Young, and Cosgrove households as well.
It will be good to sleep in my bed and drive the streets of Paradise and see familiar faces.
This trip was more enjoyable than when I went to Cuba because I have had a team to share it all with. We experienced the trip together. I’m more connected to the other four who journeyed to Canada. We will forever share memories and situations where you would have just had been there to enjoy it like we did. I shared deep conversations and prayers with this group. They have delighted and encouraged my soul.
The Canadian Southern Baptist Convention has a goal of every person in Canada hearing the gospel from someone they trust. That will not happen without the outside help of partnering and covenanting churches such as FBC Paradise.
The province of Saskatchewan is as large as the state of Texas with only thirteen missions or Baptist churches in the whole province. We need teams to prayer walk, to do servant evangelism projects, to do carpentry projects, and to help plant additional churches. How many towns in this province have no evangelical church whatsoever?
The convention has also set an aggressive goal of planting 1,000 churches by the year of 2020. As of 2007 they have planted about 250, so as you can see there is a long way to go. The goal goes much deeper than just planting 1,000 churches. The dream is for each of these churches in turn to help plant and support other churches while remaining healthy themselves.
The last line of my notes from those first two initial meetings in Saskatoon reads like this, “Canada is a hard place. God, break up the fallow ground.”
Now the ball is laid in our court at FBC Paradise. We will we join God in what He is doing there. I have no choice personally. I am mandated by God to sink my life deep into the Saskatchewan soil. Lord, I lift up the flock at FBC Paradise and ask them to join You in this as well. Will our faith be challenged? Absolutely yes! Will it be easy work? No! Will our faith be stretched in ways we could never fathom? You bet. Will we have to raise thousands and tens of thousands of dollars over the next five years? Definitely! Will there be sacrifice called for on all our parts? Absolutely! Will those sacrifices include vacation, finances, and time away from family? Positively! Will FBC Paradise join God in something that is bigger than us? I have not known this church to shrink back in unbelief and disobedience in the twenty months I have served as pastor.
Father, I pray for every person who will read these pages. I pray the words would convey Your heart and capture the souls of men women and teenagers for the nations and specifically Canada. I pray You would allow Your people to be begin to live for something bigger than themselves. I ask You to reveal Your global agenda and for Your world wide purposes to be transplanted into every heart. I ask You to move people to pray like they have never interceded before. I plead with You to call people to stand in the gap for the nation of Canada, the province of Saskatchewan, and the town of Humboldt. I ask You to weigh Your burden on our hearts and break us from being smug and satisfied with only the borders of Paradise. I trust You to call people to go on future mission trips not only to Canada but also to the ends of the earth. I ask You to bless people with the financial freedom to enable others to go on these future mission trips. I pray for deep pockets and generous hearts. I also ask You for a clear vision of what You want to accomplish in Humboldt and beyond. Show us where to start and what exactly we are to do. I also beseech You to call us to adopt FBC Humboldt in our hearts. I’m saying “yes” to You. I give my life and ministry to both places. I give myself anew to the ministry at FBC Paradise but I also commit to the advancement of Your kingdom around the world starting in Canada.
I come again asking You to raise a pastor for that church. I know You already know who that man is and where he is tonight. I pray for Your call to come to him. I pray for You to give him strong unwavering faith. I trust You for a man who loves your word. I request a man who is strong, resilient, and compassionate to shepherd the flock in Humboldt. I pray for a man who loves You more than he loves his own family or ministry success. I ask You now to grant our church favor with that man and for a real spiritual kinship with him over the next several years. I believe You to bring this man quickly without further delay. The need is great and You are more than sufficient to answer this prayer.
I ask You to show those people favor with the mayor, with city officials, and with strategic people in Humboldt. I ask You to grant that band of believers tenacious faith to keep enduring. I plead with You to encourage them and to bless their obedience. I trust You for the miraculous and for the gentle reminder that they are not alone in this quest but have partnered with You.
Please help us to maintain steady and constant contact with those precious people. I pray through correspondence that You would deepen our love for one another and our bond would grow despite the fifteen hundred miles that separate us.

Monday March 12, 2007
9:46 p.m.

The Lord is brining the first chapter of this new mission pilgrimage full circle. After dodging some turbulent weather which took us further east than the captain intended, we have been cleared for landing at DFW International Airport and are beginning our descent over the Metroplex. We will be on the ground in only seconds.
The wheels have just made contact with the run way. Welcome home. We have must to testify about. This is only the beginning.

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