Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Where Were You?

Our society values education and knowledge. Philosophers ponder deep questions that push reason to the limit. Mathematicians calculate complex equations. Scientist do endless research and write theories based on their findings. Endless books are both read and written all on a quest for more knowledge, deeper understanding, and more insight into existence.

Knowledge puffs up. [I Cor 8:1] Knowledge can lead to pride arrogance, superiority, dogmatism, ego, and destruction. Professing to be wise many people have made themselves fools in their quest for knowledge.

So here is a test. One by which you can test your knowledge and understanding. So get out a pen or pencil and some paper. This is not a multiple choice test. It is not a true and false examination. This is not even an essay exam. You can take it orally. The pen and paper are optional.

Here is the test. Go read Job 38-41. Answer each of the questions presented by Almighty Creator God. See how you do? Don't try to skip ahead to finish this reading. Take the test.

Did you skip it? Were you in a hurry so you just wanted to get through the rest of this article. Well in case you did, here is the short form of the test. WHERE WERE YOU? Where were you at creation? Will any of us, irregardless of educational status or intelligence, really try to counsel God and profess we know best. Those few chapters in Job are humbling.

Job responded to God's questions by saying, "I know that you can do all things and no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge. Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me which I did not know." [Job 42:2-3]

Where were any of us when God created the universe, established day and night, land and water, and created mountain goats and horses? We did not exist. Who are we finite beings to ever think we can give counsel to infinite God and tell Him how He should govern the world.

May we cover our mouths and say with Job, "Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not answer; twice but I will proceed no further." [Job 40:4-5]

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