As I write this several people are headed east to Panama City, FL. Several youth groups from across the state of Texas are motoring to Florida to the Laguna Beach Christian retreat center for Beach Camp. We have gathered there for several years to meet with the Lord and bask in the Sonshine. Yes, there will be plenty of sun but what draws me is the Son – Jesus.
This marks the third year in a row I have been invited to preach this camp. That is an unusual privilege. Preachers get invited back two years in a row but rarely three years in a row. I take the responsibility very seriously. I want fresh words from the Lord as well as the power of God to be evident in our midst.
We need more than songs and a sermon. We need to meet with the Lord. I know how quickly and easily camp highs can wear off as we return to our homes. The enemy attacks. We do not have the fuel of worship and digging into the word built into our lives to keep us on track. Camp highs fade with the sunsets far too often. I am not looking for that but lasting transformation.
On the eve of camp here is my prayer for all students and adults who will be in attendance. Dear Father, I ask you to protect the students and adults who are traveling so far to get to camp. I ask you to work in hearts to prepare all of us for what you have in store. I do not come as an expert or with a bag of tricks. All I have is you and your word and if they are not enough we are sunk. I ask you to stir my heart with the messages you want delivered. I have struggled looking at Eph 4. It has not clicked and yet you have not stirred anything else in my life.
I ask you to birth anointed messages in my heart. I ask you to birth messages that will have weight and impact. I ask you to save the lost. For those who do not know you I ask you to open the eyes of their heart to your saving grace. I ask you to make it abundantly clear that you alone are God and Savior. I know it is getting harder these days. Please give me what these students need to hear. I do not want to be distracted from the mission you have given me to preach. I know I am not there to entertain or to tickle the ears. I do not deserve this opportunity. I am humbled by it. I want to honor you with each message asking and pleading for your power to be evident.
I come asking you to protect students as they swim on the beach as well as when they travel. I know you are calling some to salvation. You are calling some to full time ministry. You are calling some to closer communion with you. I thank you for speaking to me and calling me to preach at a camp many years ago. I am thankful for that privilege to stand and preach to students once again. I am humbly grateful you still allow me to minister to students. I will do this as long as you give me opportunity.
Your word is vast. I do not want to go to Florida and do the same old song and dance. You have something to say to this generation and I ask you to reveal it to me. I ask you to let me know your heart for this week and to lay my life down as a servant to students. I ask you to give me some time to listen to those who are hurting, needy, unloved, unwanted, and unwelcomed. I ask you to give me a connection with the students and a compassion for them. I ask you to bind our hearts with your Spirit around your throne and word in worship.
I ask you to breakthrough hard hearts. I ask you to breakthrough hearts who have never surrendered to your Lordship. I ask you draw students and adults into a deeper fellowship with you than any of us have ever known before.
I ask you to energize me for the battle. I ask you to set things in motion that will last for eternity. I ask you to give students a deeper love for you and a deeper love for pleasing you. I know the focus for most in attendance is the beach. You have so much more in store than the beach. Please help me to hear crystal clearly from you.
On the eve of camp I consecrate myself to you trusting you to do wonders among us tomorrow. I ask you for a camp none of us will forget. Thank you again for this opportunity and thank you again for allowing me the privilege of preaching again this year. Apart from you there will be no supernatural move. I do not have creativity or tricks up my sleeve to manufacture some move. I have total reliance on you for anointing, for convicting students, for encouraging them with truth, and for calling them into your marvelous light. You alone know what will take place over the next week.
I lay this week before you praying for the full unleashing of your power. I beg of you not to allow this to be a wasted week. I surrender to do whatever you lead me to do. I ask you to use me as your vessel. That is my only purpose for being at camp this year. I am there to serve. Please use me and use this week in ways we could never have imagined. In Jesus name, amen.