Sunday, February 13, 2011

God is Like the Snow

Like much of the nation Seminole has been blanketed in snow and gripped with icy temperatures for most of this past week. This weather has reminded me of the times I have spent in Canada in the winter. The chilling wind has cut right through by coat and other clothing. It has been a good week to sit inside.

The title of this blog did not originate with me. It came from my youngest son Turner. Brenda drove them to school on Wednesday and Turner commented as he looked out his window that God is like the snow. He then went on to elaborate, “He is everywhere.” Pretty profound for a second grader.

God is like the snow in several ways. I will only focus on two. He is everywhere. That means as I sit in my office at 7:19 p.m. on this Thursday night waiting on an appointment God is with me. As you read this from your home or place of work God is with you. He blankets us in His love and the reassurance of His presence. God is here right now and He is accessible. Like the snow covers the ground and is everywhere I look, so is God. I can talk to Him now. I can worship Him now. I can listen to Him now. He is everywhere.

I do not know what you are going through but I know God is there to help, to comfort, and even rebuke when needed. He is everywhere as Turner said. I need Him. I need His peace and I need His power to do what He has called me to do. I need His continual inspiration to write. I need His revelation to see truth. I also need His anointing to preach and teach. I need His wisdom to lead. I need His love to help me past selfishness to minister to the needs of my wife. I need His patience and tenacity to teach my boys and stay involved with them. We need God and He is here. We need God and He will be there in the future as well during trials and in the storms. He is everywhere.

God is also like the snow in the fact that He purifies and makes our hearts white again with His grace. Just like the snow covers the ground and all you can see is a blanket of white pure and clean snow, God can do and does that to our hearts. He forgives and cleanses our sin. He covers our blunders with the white snow like blanket of His righteousness. This grace and righteousness are stunning to behold. It is like a fresh start and a new beginning.

I just finished meeting with one of those people who need to be covered with the snow of God’s grace and forgiveness. This intelligent person that who grew up in church needs a fresh touch of the snow like grace to come and to cleanse once again. He is here and faithful to do just that. So do I and so do you. We continually need God to pour grace on our hearts.

Yes, Turner. God is like snow and He is everywhere. I am thankful the Lord took my boy and spoke to my heart through him. I pray He speaks to your heart as well. What a blessing.

Lord, I lift up those who read this. I pray you would remind them you are there with them in this moment. I ask you to renew their heart with your grace. I ask you to renew their hearts and make them pure. Thank you for speaking through a little boy but one who sees things so profoundly. I am humbled to be his daddy. How I pray you would use Turner to do greater things than I have ever done. I ask you to take Him deeper with you than I have ever gone and to climb higher to your summit than I have ever forged. I pray that over Taylor, Tanner, and Tucker as well. Thank you for being everywhere. In Jesus name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Out of the mouths of babes. . .

    I'm share your gratitude to God for speaking to the hearts of His children, both young and old.

    Enjoy your blog.
