Sunday, February 14, 2010

Prayer Huddles

It is exciting to see the number of people the Lord is gathering together to pray on Saturday nights. We started three weeks ago with a total of nineteen ranging from four years old to some in their eighties. The crowd was divided into smaller groups where prayer requests were shared and a season of focused prayer was shared. God gripped our hearts that night.

These power bands are the life-blood of our church. This past Saturday night we tried something different. We dropped off the younger children at a different location so they could share in a shorter prayer time and then have the time to play together freeing parents up to pray at a different location without distraction. We had thirty teenagers and adults gather last night to seek the face of God and cry out for His power to be displayed in Seminole. There were six children at my house who enjoyed a prayer time on their level.

Each Saturday night we are scheduled to gather at a host home. We usually share in some light snacks afterwards but the real reason we congregate is to pray. Sometimes we sing a song before dividing into groups and I share a scripture. It is a wonderful sound to hear people interceding for Seminole in different rooms in these host homes. I am assured we are on the threshold of seeing the Lord do some things that will leave us awed by His powerful working in this community and beyond.

What if little power bands started all over this city meeting at times most convenient for them? What if little bands of people purposely grouped together to stand in the gap for this community and for the lost? What if local churches and ministers were continually lifted before the throne week after week? What if fervent intercessions were lifted up that could not be voiced but fell into puddles of tears all over the city? I cannot say I have the answer to those questions but I can say I want to pursue finding out.

Do you want to know one of the first power bands? It was with three guys, Moses, Aaron, and Hur. A battle was raging and it was discovered that as long as Moses kept his hands lifted Israel would start winning the war. When his arms dropped from weariness the enemy would start winning. Aaron and Hur helped to support Moses’ arms until the battle was won. [Ex 17:8-16] In the same way as we gather in prayer huddles or power bands, we support one another and can see the battle for the soul of Seminole turned for the glory of the Lord.

I hope you will join our power band prayer meetings or make your own power bands and cry out for the soul of this city. May God do more than we could think or ask according to His power working through us. [Eph 3:20]

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