Thursday, February 12, 2009

Everybody Worships

Everybody worships. What I mean is that everybody worships someone or something. For some it is bowing down and paying homage to self in front a full length mirror. Others ascribe worth (the meaning of worship) to the Dallas Cowboys, Paradise Panthers, or some other sports team. Many take it a step further and worship superstar athletes or celebrities. Have you ever seen the reaction of young ladies when they heard the Beatles, Elvis Pressley, or some other recording artist? They swooped, screamed, cried, pressed to the stage to get closer, raised their hands, applauded, and some even fainted. All acts or worship for the dead and gone.
Sports stars like Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Peyton Manning, Brett Farve, and Derek Jeter are continually hounded by cameras, autograph seekers, and people who try to immolate their every move. Compound this with paparazzi chasing movie stars and the multitudes huddled around their televisions hoping to get a glimpse of some celebrity who often makes a poor role model and yet worship continues with posters, sitcoms, fashion clothing, and hair styles.
Some men worship large mouth bass or white tail deer willing to sacrifice sleep, money, and time with family all in pursuit of a trophy for the wall and some very expensive food on the table. Women worship Oprah, Dr. Phil, and other so called experts who suggest how to dress, what to eat, and how to live.
Everybody worships something. What is amazing is that the world can worship their stuff more intensely and authentically than Christians worship the one true God. I know for many (especially for teenagers and college students) worship is passionate and expressive. I have seen them jumping up down, shouting, raising their hands, crying, kneeling, applauding and even prostrate on the floor all in an attitude of worship. Others worship with equal passion but in more subdued ways. I have seen adults worship without ever singing a note of any song, without ever standing, shouting, clapping, or raising their hands, but silently reflecting on, enjoying, and basking in the presence of God. Their worship was just as authentic as the younger crowd.
Sadly I have sat threw more services in more churches than I care to count where the people sat tight lipped and stone hearted through the worship service. The opportunity for worship was given but they many chose to sit without ever connecting their hearts to the heart of God. Some blamed the style of music or the fact that songs were projected rather than sung out of a book. The worship wars that have ripped many churches apart must also have ripped the heart of God who is supposed to be the object of all that worship to begin with. What a shame that the generations cannot even unify on loving and adoring God through a variety of styles of music.
Today I found myself reading and reflecting in the book of Revelation. I was struck by the intensity of the worship of the angels and of the redeemed. Worship never ceases in Heaven. Night and day it continues with a loud resounding and repeating refrain, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God, Almighty, who was and is and who is to come.” [Rev 4:8] “Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor, and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed and were created.” [Rev 5:11]
Over and over again those resounding truths reverberate throughout Heaven. God is Holy. He is worthy. He is powerful, honorable, majestic, and glorious. Nobody jokes in Heaven they do not like that song or they tire of repeating it day and night. God is worth the worship they give day and night. It never gets old, the intensity never wanes because the revelations of God’s nature never end through out eternity so we will be able to worship with fresh hearts continually.
While the volume increases with every verse from the mouths of people from every kindred, tongue, tribe, and nation, [Rev 5:9] the intensity in worship will cause people to throw themselves down prostrate on the floor and to fling their crowns in worship at the feet of the true King of Kings. They will remain before Him who sits on the throne and sing with passion like we have never heard on this planet while ascribing worship with integrity. It will make rock concerts feel like hushed baby nurseries.
There is not always integrity in the worship of the people of God. Take an old song like “I Surrender All.” How many have sung the words of that old hymn they did not mean nor intend to live. This is hypocrisy. I quit sitting on the platform early in my ministry because all the sour looks, scowling faces, and lifeless expression of songs was so discouraging it was actually hindering my worship. It is better for me to sit on the front row with my back to the crowd so I can focus on God and sing for Him, to Him, and in adoration of Him.
Worship is so much more than we know. God is the true object of worship. There nothing in or under Heaven deserving of worship more than God. Everything else has lesser worth. How much time, energy, and money are spent in worship of things or people that leave people feeling hollow and empty. Watch the reaction to football fans when the Cowboys lose or worse yet have a disappointing season. People can’t sleep, concentrate, and go around moping over a football team. God is ultimate object of worth and therefore of worship. He never has a bad day, gets it wrong, lets us down, forgets an appointment, or loses the big one. He is the ultimate Universal Champion. He deserves our very best in worship not just on Sundays but in the very way we live every day. He deserves better than the dull and pitiful excuse for worship found in so many churches today. I am talking about white hot, passionate, fervent, expressions of love, adoration, reverence, and homage to the Master, Ruler, and Lord of this Universe.
What or who are you worshipping? What does the object of your worship do for you? God sent Jesus to take the poor choices, the scrapes and bruises from wandering down paths to nowhere, and the oppressive burden of guilt and shame from past mistakes off your shoulders in exchange for your unyielding allegiance to Him and your life long worship. Worship is more about how you live than how well you sing. I urge you today to check the object of your worship and the passion with which you worship and make sure you direct both toward Jesus Christ, Messiah, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Lord, and Sovereign King. Everybody worships someone or something. I choose to worship Jesus and practice down here so I can get it right for Heaven. What about you?

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