Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Joy of Possessing Nothing

As the temperatures drop and the north winds howl, we know Christmas in inching closer with every passing day. Children anxiously look at their calendars counting down the days (we are only days away at the time of this writing) being forced to wait so impatiently. The sights and sounds of Christmas abound everywhere from decorated homes, endless television commercials seeking to draw us in to sales, and brightly wrapped packages piling up under the tree and as they wait for that Christmas morning when they see their wishes and dreams under the tree while joyous adults thrill to watch children and grandchildren tear through rolls of wrapping paper and miles of ribbons. It is a festive time of year.
What concerns me the most is that we have bought into materialism heart and soul, children wanting more and more while seldom appreciating what they already have and adults over indulging and giving more than can be realistically afforded. Contrast all of this with a simple statement Jesus made in Acts 20:35. “….It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Here is the fundamental problem with possessing anything. The more we possess the more we must maintain it, protect it, and cherish it. Homes must be maintained and lawns manicured. Vehicles must be serviced, fueled, and cleaned. Clothes must be laundered. You could make a strong case that all the things we possess really possess us. You own a television and then you feel obligated to get cable or to subscribe to satellite programming. Then we feel obligated to sit down and watch all of those channels (most of which have nothing worth watching) and monthly we pay fees to continue this cycle. Do we own our televisions at that point or do they own us?
The more we possess the more we are possessed. Wouldn’t it be liberating to live a life contrary to this? Wouldn’t our hearts be free if God gave us a heart that was possessed by nothing but Him and we held onto things loosely? What if we lived our lives and refused to be possessed by anything and were completely open to giving up those things at the slightest prompting from God? Kids could release their video games and toys as the Lord leads to give them to others who have little to nothing. Adults could pass on clothes, computers, and cash to those whom the Lord reveals are in need. The more we are possessed by God the less we are tempted to be possessed by things.
It is a blessed thing to be one who is free from being possessed by the stuff of this world contrasted with a heart to give. It is a joyful thing to be a giver. Giving has nothing to do with being wealthy but everything to do with being possessed by nothing and being obedient to the Lord.
I was recently convicted about this concerning my personal library. If there is any possession that has possessed me it would be my books. I have well over 5,000 and counting. God challenged me to make my books available to people. It was hard to be freed from that vice like grip those books had on me but just yesterday I passed on two books to a person in need. It did bring joy to my heart to know that two books the Lord used in my life now can be used to minister to some one else rather than collecting dust on my bookshelves. There is joy in being possessed by nothing.
I want to challenge you to lay your money and your possessions before the Lord with nothing being off limits. I want to challenge you to be a giver more than a taker. I urge you to linger long at the Savior’s feet and listen for His promptings for you to give. It is does not matter the sacrifice nor the treasure of the gift. Strive to live day in and day out, and especially during this Christmas season, to be possessed by nothing and to live not only willing but longing to give when He calls you to. Walk to the edge of this verse and discover for yourself if it is more pleasurable, joyful, and delightful to be on the giving end rather than the receiving end.
Here is the subtle trap of the enemy. He keeps reminding us that we have needs and wants and if we are constantly giving there will be nothing left for us to possess. We worry we will go without and not have enough. Your God owns everything in this world and there is nothing you will ever need that He does not already possess. Guess what. God who possesses everything delights in giving as well. An old college professor told us once in class that you will never out give God. He was right. No matter how much I give, no matter how sacrificially you bless others, God never runs out of blessings for those in need and including you and me. Today you might be used to bless someone else and the next day it might be your turn to be blessed. God is possessed by nothing and keeps giving and giving. He never runs out and His storehouse is always full. There is nothing that you will ever offer Him that He has not already made provision for in your own life when you have need. You cannot out give God.
Each time I get to be a part of God’s plan to bless someone else I feel alive, more joy than I can describe, and a greater level of contentment that I can describe. I am testifying from personal experience that it is more blessed to give than to receive. It seems ironic that in an age when people are seeking more and contentment in their possessions that they are increasingly empty, disillusioned, and unfulfilled. Combat all of that and be a giver. Let the Lord lead when to give, what to give, and where to give as you let your possessions fall at His feet. Then you will discover for yourself more joy and contentment than you could fathom. May we ever live and strive to possess nothing and be willing to give any and everything.

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