Monday, December 19, 2016

Pen To The Page

It has been nearly two years since I last put pen to page to write a book. While have written hundreds of flogs I have not written any books.  had no desire to write another book. I did not have inspiration. It has never been my desire to just write books. My desire is to only write what God alls me to write.

He has called me to write two books. I just finished the first. I am not certain about the title yet, but it is a book about the Seminole revival back in 2010 that lasted 23 straight days. I've felt compelled to write that book. I consider it my life's work to this point. I hope when it finally gets released God will use it to inspire people to pursue Him more. At this point I only have the rough draft finished.

I am working on a second book. It is the third edition of the 40 Days To Shake City Devotional. This book is more critical in that I hope to have it available 40 days from the start of the Kermit Shake The City Revival. That revival is scheduled to begin July 23, 2017. Time is of the essence. Like with all my books I have to trust God for the provision to get it into print.

There is much tedious wrk to be done. My aim is to be done with the revisions on the devotion book by the fist of the year. Then the tedious work of proofing and editing work begins. I hope to have the manuscript sent to the publishers in early January. I am trusting God to print 5,000 copies of this book. This will cost several thousand dollars.

Afterward, I will proof and edit the other book. Possible titles are The Glorious Pursuit: The Pursuit of God For Revival or I like 23 Days When Heaven Kissed Seminole In Revival. 

I need your prayers. I need anointing to write and the stamina to finish these projects in a timely manner. No Compromise Ministries also needs God's provision to especially get the devotion book into print and available byJune 14, 2017. That is 40 days from the start of revival services in Kermit.

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