Thursday, January 31, 2013

Meeting with the Father

Father, thank you this morning for waking me from sleep,
Your glorious face to start my day all my heart to seek,
We fellowshipped under the soft glow of morning light,
In your word I meditated and ate truth with a tasty bite,
I love to be in your presence to delight and stay and linger,
To bask in your glory - to dance - to be a worship singer,
Nothing compares with the times I enjoy being with you,
Where I draw nearer to you getting a more intimate view,
Where I find peace for a troubled and oft tormented soul,
With you Father I am healed - you alone make me whole,
I would not trade the times we share early in the morn,
Where hope, peace, and joy are rekindled and reborn,
I love you Father with all my mind, soul, all my heart,
Reluctantly I have to get on with the day and depart.

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