That is a pretty strange title for a blog entry. I assure you before I am through it will all make sense. I awoke early this morning like most other days and started doing the things I normally do. I got dressed, took out my Bible and began to read where I left off yesterday. I opened my journal and found a clean page to jot down my entry for the day.
Something strange happened. I was jolted from my sleepy devotional and trying to get Taylor up and off to early morning football practice to a reality that would forever link me with Tarzan, The Boss, and the Genius.
Before we go any further who is Tarzan, who is The Boss, and who is the Genius? I am referring to Johnny Weismuller, Bruce Springsteen, and Ray Charles. How could my life be connected to these larger than life personalities? We all have the same birthday.
Yep! Today is my birthday and I forgot all about it until I started writing in my journal this morning. Out of curiosity I searched the web to see who else was born on September 23. That’s where I discovered that I share a birthday with some pretty famous people.
Today has bee like most any other day. I checked myself as I was journaling and decided that I did not feel any different at 42 than I felt at 41 or 40 or 37 etc. I did the normal things I do most mornings. I cooked and ate breakfast. I shaved and showered. I wore my favorite color of pants khaki, and I went in to the office. I made a hospital visit, found a new Chinese Restaurant and ate alone, and have spent the rest of my day in the office, talking on the phone, and answering emails, along with some reading and message preparation.
According to one website I looked at the average life span for a male can be between 73-80 years old depending on what region of the world you live in. That is somewhat sobering that I have lived more than half of my life. I still do not feel like an adult, especially a middle aged adult, even though I have adult responsibilities. I still feel young and exuberant on the inside but my body tells me from time to time that I am getting older.
42 is still considered pretty young. I am pretty active. I run. I lift weights. I ride a bike. I play ball with my boys. Yet, even Tarzan, the Lord of the Jungle, died. So did the Genius Ray Charles. Bruce Springsteen is getting up there. This all causes me to reflect on a scripture [Ps 90:12] “So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” Nobody lives forever unless that person is in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Then there is life everlasting.
The Psalmist is asking for help in not taking life for granted and to make each day count as well as to invest those days wisely. At 42 there is still so much I want to accomplish. I have shelves of books I still want to read. I still have numerous more times I want to read through the entire Bible. I have dozens of books floating around in my heart and mind that I want to pen before it is too late. I want to make more memories with my wife and boys. I still want to ride my bike for 100 miles on some given day. I still want to travel to England, Wales, Scotland and walk where some of the pulpit giants of the past have walked. I want to grow old faithfully holding the post of this pulpit and preaching the riches of God’s words. That is only smidgen of the things I would like to do before I leave this earth. Time is ticking and as the saying goes, “I’m not getting any younger.” I must live life with greater focus, purpose, and with radical discipline to make the most of each day. I cannot procrastinate away this life and wake up at the end wishing I had been more diligent. It is time to be more diligent right now and each day between now and my last.
Still at 42 I feel strong, energetic, and ready for the journey toward the end of my appointed race. George Mueller was able to live into his 90’s and stayed active preaching and serving Christ until the day he died. That’s how I want to go out. I want to faithfully serve Christ till my last breath. Like a friend of mine says, “I’d rather die with my face in the dirt than my head on a pillow.”
Though I may share the same birthday with Tarzan, the Boss, and the Genius I can assure you I don’t have the desire or need to see my name in neon lights. I want to be known as a servant of the Lord more than being remembered for playing a character nicknamed the Lord of the jungle. I am not the boss but merely a servant of the Boss and Lord of this universe. I am no Genius like Ray Charles but I keep company on a daily basis with the God whose creative genius planned and purposed this universe. I don’t know how many days, months, or years I have left but I do know who holds my life in the palm of His hands. I do know that while I live in relative obscurity here, the day will come when I will be ushered into the presence of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and will be introduced as His child and share in His inheritance.
So while I have days left to live down here, I shall seek to live to promote the glory of my Lord, my Boss, and my genius – JESUS CHRIST.